JAL compiler is a compiler created in 2000.
#1663on PLDB | 25Years Old |
git clone https://github.com/jallib/jallib
JAL (Just Another Language) is a Pascal-like programming language and compiler that generates executable code for PIC microcontrollers. It is a free-format language with a compiler that runs on Linux, MS-Windows and MS-DOS (OSX support). It is configurable and extendable through the use of libraries and can even be combined with PIC assembly language.. Read more on Wikipedia...
-- JAL 2.3
include 16f877_bert--define the variables
var byte resist--define the pins
pin_a0_direction = input--variable resistor
pin_d7_direction = input--switch
pin_c2_direction = output--pwm led--enable pulse width modulation
PWM_init_frequency (true, true)
forever loop--convert analog on a0 to digital
resist = ADC_read_low_res(0)
-- run measurement through flash memory
-- run measurement through data memory
-- if the switch is pressed return random value
if pin_d7 == high then
resist = random_byte
end if--send resistance to PC
-- set actual PWM duty cycle
PWM_Set_DutyCycle (resist, resist)
end loop