Assembly language is an assembly language created in 1960.
#98on PLDB | 65Years Old | 109kRepos |
An assembly (or assembler) language, often abbreviated asm, is any low-level programming language in which there is a very strong correspondence between the program's statements and the architecture's machine code instructions.Each assembly language is specific to a particular computer architecture and operating system. In contrast, most high-level programming languages are generally portable across multiple architectures but require interpreting or compiling. Assembly language may also be called symbolic machine code.Assembly language usually has one statement per machine instruction, but assembler directives, macros and symbolic labels of program and memory locations are often also supported. Read more on Wikipedia...
jmp main
jmp infiniteLoop
include \masm32\include\ ; use the Masm32 library
switch rv(nrandom, 9) ; generate a number between 0 and 8
mov ecx, 7
case 0
print "case 0"
case ecx ; in contrast to most other programming languages,
print "case 7" ; the Masm32 switch allows "variable cases"
case 1 .. 3
.if eax==1
print "case 1"
.elseif eax==2
print "case 2"
print "cases 1 to 3: other"
case 4, 6, 8
print "cases 4, 6 or 8"
mov ebx, 19 ; print 20 stars
print "*"
dec ebx
.Until Sign? ; loop until the sign flag is set
print chr$(13, 10)
end demomain