Red is an open source programming language created in 2011 by Nenad Rakocevic.
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Red is a computer programming language. Red was made to overcome the limitations of the programming language Rebol. Introduced in 2011 by Nenad Rakocevic, Red is both an imperative and functional programming language. Read more on Wikipedia...
Red [Title: "Main"]
print "Hello, world!"
Red [Needs: 'View]
view [text "Hello World"]
Red/System [
Title: "Red/System example file"
Purpose: "Just some code for testing Pygments colorizer"
#include %../common/FPU-configuration.reds
; C types
#define time! long!
#define clock! long!
date!: alias struct! [
second [integer!] ; 0-61 (60?)
minute [integer!] ; 0-59
hour [integer!] ; 0-23
day [integer!] ; 1-31
month [integer!] ; 0-11
year [integer!] ; Since 1900
weekday [integer!] ; 0-6 since Sunday
yearday [integer!] ; 0-365
daylight-saving-time? [integer!] ; Negative: unknown
#either OS = 'Windows [
#define clocks-per-second 1000
; CLOCKS_PER_SEC value for Syllable, Linux (XSI-conformant systems)
; TODO: check for other systems
#define clocks-per-second 1000'000
#import [LIBC-file cdecl [
; Error handling
form-error: "strerror" [ ; Return error description.
code [integer!]
return: [c-string!]
print-error: "perror" [ ; Print error to standard error output.
string [c-string!]
; Memory management
make: "calloc" [ ; Allocate zero-filled memory.
chunks [size!]
size [size!]
return: [binary!]
resize: "realloc" [ ; Resize memory allocation.
memory [binary!]
size [size!]
return: [binary!]
JVM!: alias struct! [
reserved0 [int-ptr!]
reserved1 [int-ptr!]
reserved2 [int-ptr!]
DestroyJavaVM [function! [[JNICALL] vm [JVM-ptr!] return: [jint!]]]
AttachCurrentThread [function! [[JNICALL] vm [JVM-ptr!] penv [struct! [p [int-ptr!]]] args [byte-ptr!] return: [jint!]]]
DetachCurrentThread [function! [[JNICALL] vm [JVM-ptr!] return: [jint!]]]
GetEnv [function! [[JNICALL] vm [JVM-ptr!] penv [struct! [p [int-ptr!]]] version [integer!] return: [jint!]]]
AttachCurrentThreadAsDaemon [function! [[JNICALL] vm [JVM-ptr!] penv [struct! [p [int-ptr!]]] args [byte-ptr!] return: [jint!]]]
;just some datatypes for testing:
#{00FF0000 FF000000}
#{00FF0000 FF000000} ;with tab instead of space
64#{/wAAA A==} ;with space inside
64#{/wAAA A==} ;with tab inside
;string with char
{bla ^(ff) foo}
{bla ^(( foo}
;some numbers:
;some tests of hexa number notation with not common ending
[ff00h ff00h] ff00h{} FFh"foo" 00h(1 + 2) (AEh)
;normal words:
foo char
'foo 'foo
to-integer foo
foo/(a + 1)/b
call/output reform ['which interpreter] path: copy ""
version-1.1: 00010001h
#if type = 'exe [
push system/stack/frame ;-- save previous frame pointer
system/stack/frame: system/stack/top ;-- @@ reposition frame pointer just after the catch flag
push CATCH_ALL ;-- exceptions root barrier
push 0 ;-- keep stack aligned on 64-bit
Red/System [Title: "A factorial script"]
factorial: func [
x [integer!] ; This is compulsory in Red/System
return: [integer!] ; This is compulsory in Red/System
either x = 0 [1][x * factorial x - 1]
Feature | Supported | Example | Token |
Strings | ✓ | "Hello world" | " |
Comments | ✓ | ; A comment | |
Line Comments | ✓ | ; A comment | ; |
Semantic Indentation | X |