MoonScript is an open source programming language created in 2011.
#191on PLDB | 14Years Old | 818Repos |
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:crescent_moon: A language that compiles to Lua
class Thing
name: "unknown"
class Person extends Thing
say_name: => print "Hello, I am #{@name}!"
with Person!
.name = "MoonScript"
print 'Hello World'
types = require "moonscript.types"
util = require "moonscript.util"
data = require ""
import reversed, unpack from util
import ntype, mtype, build, smart_node, is_slice, value_is_singular from types
import insert from table
import NameProxy, LocalName from require "moonscript.transform.names"
destructure = require "moonscript.transform.destructure"
local implicitly_return
class Run
new: (@fn) =>
self[1] = "run"
call: (state) =>
self.fn state
-- transform the last stm is a list of stms
-- will puke on group
apply_to_last = (stms, fn) ->
-- find last (real) exp
last_exp_id = 0
for i = #stms, 1, -1
stm = stms[i]
if stm and mtype(stm) != Run
last_exp_id = i
return for i, stm in ipairs stms
if i == last_exp_id
fn stm
-- is a body a sindle expression/statement
is_singular = (body) ->
return false if #body != 1
if "group" == ntype body
is_singular body[2]
find_assigns = (body, out={}) ->
for thing in *body
switch thing[1]
when "group"
find_assigns thing[2], out
when "assign"
table.insert out, thing[2] -- extract names
hoist_declarations = (body) ->
assigns = {}
-- hoist the plain old assigns
for names in *find_assigns body
for name in *names
table.insert assigns, name if type(name) == "string"
-- insert after runs
idx = 1
while mtype(body[idx]) == Run do idx += 1
table.insert body, idx, {"declare", assigns}
expand_elseif_assign = (ifstm) ->
for i = 4, #ifstm
case = ifstm[i]
if ntype(case) == "elseif" and ntype(case[2]) == "assign"
split = { unpack ifstm, 1, i - 1 }
insert split, {
"else", {
{"if", case[2], case[3], unpack ifstm, i + 1}
return split
constructor_name = "new"
with_continue_listener = (body) ->
continue_name = nil
Run =>
@listen "continue", ->
unless continue_name
Feature | Supported | Example | Token |
Booleans | ✓ | true false | |
Strings | ✓ | 'Hello world' | ' |
Print() Debugging | ✓ | ||
Comments | ✓ | -- A comment | |
Line Comments | ✓ | -- A comment | -- |
Semantic Indentation | X |