Lil, aka Learning In Layers, is an open source programming language created in 2022 by John Earnest.
#294on PLDB | 3Years Old |
git clone
Lil is part of the technology that powers Decker, a multimedia creative tool inspired by HyperCard. Decker uses Lil for adding custom behavior to decks and the widgets within. Lil is designed to be learned in layers, but it is a richly multi-paradigm language which incorporates ideas from imperative, functional, declarative, and vector-oriented languages.
on mode a do # line comment
each x in a
first extract key orderby value desc from r
floor cos sin tan exp ln sqrt count first last sum min max raze prod range keys list rows cols table typeof flip mag unit heading split fuse dict take drop in join cross parse format unless limit like window each in while on do end if elseif else where by orderby asc desc select extract update from insert with into send local