Eclipse Command Language is a programming language created in 2008.
#875on PLDB | 17Years Old | 0Repos |
:- lib(ic).
* Question 1.11
* vabs(?Val, ?AbsVal)
vabs(Val, AbsVal):-
AbsVal #> 0,
Val #= AbsVal
Val #= -AbsVal
labeling([Val, AbsVal]).
* vabsIC(?Val, ?AbsVal)
vabsIC(Val, AbsVal):-
AbsVal #> 0,
Val #= AbsVal or Val #= -AbsVal,
labeling([Val, AbsVal]).
* Question 1.12
% X #:: -10..10, vabs(X, Y).
% X #:: -10..10, vabsIC(X, Y).
* Question 1.13
* faitListe(?ListVar, ?Taille, +Min, +Max)
faitListe([], 0, _, _):-!.
faitListe([First|Rest], Taille, Min, Max):-
First #:: Min..Max,
Taille1 #= Taille - 1,
faitListe(Rest, Taille1, Min, Max).
* Question 1.14
* suite(?ListVar)
suite([Xi, Xi1, Xi2]):-
checkRelation(Xi, Xi1, Xi2).
suite([Xi, Xi1, Xi2|Rest]):-
checkRelation(Xi, Xi1, Xi2),
suite([Xi1, Xi2|Rest]).
* checkRelation(?Xi, ?Xi1, ?Xi2)
checkRelation(Xi, Xi1, Xi2):-
vabs(Xi1, VabsXi1),
Xi2 #= VabsXi1 - Xi.
* Question 1.15
* checkPeriode(+ListVar).
% TODO Any better solution?
length(ListVar, Length),
Length < 10.
checkPeriode([X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6, X7, X8, X9, X10|Rest]):-
X1 =:= X10,
checkPeriode([X2, X3, X4, X5, X6, X7, X8, X9, X10|Rest]).
% faitListe(ListVar, 18, -9, 9), suite(ListVar), checkPeriode(ListVar). => 99 solutions
* Tests
vabs(5, 5). => Yes
vabs(5, -5). => No
vabs(-5, 5). => Yes
vabs(X, 5).
vabs(X, AbsX).
vabsIC(5, 5). => Yes
vabsIC(5, -5). => No
vabsIC(-5, 5). => Yes
vabsIC(X, 5).
vabsIC(X, AbsX).
faitListe(ListVar, 5, 1, 3). => 243 solutions
faitListe([_, _, _, _, _], Taille, 1, 3). => Taille = 5 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
faitListe(ListVar, 18, -9, 9), suite(ListVar). => 99 solutions
__compressed__ after all and any as atmost before beginc best between case cluster compressed compression const counter csv default descend embed encoding encrypt end endc endembed endmacro enum escape except exclusive expire export extend fail few fileposition first flat forward from full function functionmacro group grouped heading hole ifblock import in inner interface internal joined keep keyed last left limit linkcounted literal little_endian load local locale lookup lzw macro many maxcount maxlength min skew module mofn multiple named namespace nocase noroot noscan nosort not noxpath of onfail only opt or outer overwrite packed partition penalty physicallength pipe prefetch quote record repeat retry return right right1 right2 rows rowset scan scope self separator service shared skew skip smart soapaction sql stable store terminator thor threshold timelimit timeout token transform trim type unicodeorder unordered unsorted unstable update use validate virtual whole width wild within wnotrim xml xpath
Feature | Supported | Example | Token |
Functions | ✓ | ||
Constants | ✓ | ||
Strings | ✓ | ||
MultiLine Comments | ✓ | /* A comment */ | /* */ |
Comments | ✓ | % A comment | |
Line Comments | ✓ | % A comment | % |
Semantic Indentation | X |