DM is a programming language created in 1994.
#839on PLDB | 31Years Old | 2kRepos |
DM is a programming language for the creation of multi-user worlds. By `world' I mean a virtual multi-media environment where people assume personae through which they interact with one another and computer-controlled objects. This could take the form of a competitive game, a role-playing adventure, a discussion board, or something we haven't even imagined.
world << "[usr] grins."
world << "[usr] giggles."
world << "[usr] cries \his heart out."
// This is a single line comment.
This is a multi-line comment
// Pre-processor keywords
#define PI 3.1415
#if PI == 4
#define G 5
#elif PI == 3
#define I 6
#define K 7
var/GlobalCounter = 0
var/const/CONST_VARIABLE = 2
var/list/MyList = list("anything", 1, new /datum/entity)
var/list/EmptyList[99] // creates a list of 99 null entries
var/list/NullList = null
Entity Class
var/name = "Entity"
var/number = 0
world.log << "Entity has called myFunction"
number = GlobalCounter++
Unit Class, Extends from Entity
name = "Unit"
..() // calls the parent's proc; equal to super() and base() in other languages
number = rand(1, 99)
world.log << "Unit has overriden and called myFunction"
// Global Function
var/list/output = list()
for(var/i = input.len; i >= 1; i--) // IMPORTANT: List Arrays count from 1.
output += input[i] // "+= x" is ".Add(x)"
return output
// Bitflags
var/bitflag = 0
bitflag |= 8
return bitflag
var/bitflag = 65535 // 16 bits is the maximum amount
bitflag &= ~8
return bitflag
// Logic
var/pi = PI
if(pi == 4)
world.log << "PI is 4"
else if(pi == CONST_VARIABLE)
world.log << "PI is [CONST_VARIABLE]!"
world.log << "PI is approximety [pi]"
#undef PI // Undefine PI
Feature | Supported | Example | Token |
MultiLine Comments | ✓ | /* A comment */ | /* */ |
Comments | ✓ | // A comment | |
Line Comments | ✓ | // A comment | // |
Semantic Indentation | X |