๐ฆ 0.87.0 3/22/2025
๐ rename, duplicate, and new file now prompt for confirmation if filename exists
๐ฅ various improvements and fixes
๐ฆ 0.86.0 2/23/2025
๐ upgraded Scroll and ScrollSDK
๐ฅ fixed race condition with usesCustomDomain
๐ฆ 0.85.1 2/15/2025
๐ฅ fixed bug where iframe preview was adding entries to browser's back button history
๐ฆ 0.85.0 2/12/2025
๐ upgraded Scroll and ScrollSDK
๐ฆ 0.84.0 1/27/2025
๐ various improvements
๐ฅ various fixes
๐ฆ 0.83.0 1/21/2025
๐ handle binary files better
๐ฆ 0.82.0 1/21/2025
๐ ability to set Git author
๐ upgraded Scroll
๐ better diff UI
๐ persist hidden files setting
๐ add deepseek reasoner model
๐ better prompt logging
๐ prettier format json
๐ create folder by just uploading files
๐ฅ dont attempt to make ssl certs for non-existant folders
๐ฅ fix commits.json route
๐ฅ fix mjs file serving
๐ฆ 0.81.0 1/14/2025
๐ support for unlimited wildcard SSLs
๐ refactor of AI prompts
๐ AI prompt template set via query string
๐ AI prompt settings - adjust model and tld and save to local storage
๐ upgraded Scroll
๐ welcome message improvements
๐ฆ 0.80.0 1/13/2025
๐ show hidden files toggle
๐ฆ 0.79.0 1/13/2025
๐ wildcard cert support
๐ new /stamp route and command in editor
๐ฅ various fixes
๐ฆ 0.78.0 1/12/2025
๐ better new site landing experience
๐ upgrade scroll
๐ฆ 0.77.0 1/12/2025
๐ eliminated certs folder. Now store certs in their respective folders.
โ ๏ธ BREAKING: .hub/keys.txt is now .hub/config.scroll
โ ๏ธ BREAKING: put your root crt/key pair in the .hub folder for root SSL
โ ๏ธ BREAKING: use the migration script below, otherwise all certs will be regenerated.
cd /root/.hub/certs
# Iterate over all .crt files (we could use .key too, pattern will match pairs)
for cert in *.crt; do
# Skip if no matches found
[[ -f "$cert" ]] || continue
# Get the base name without extension (e.g., xiuzhen1.scroll.pub)
# Copy both cert and key with leading dot
cp "$cert" "/root/$base/.$cert"
cp "$base.key" "/root/$base/.$base.key"
๐ฆ 0.76.0 1/12/2025
๐ add list and kill commands for easier sysadmin
๐ various improvements, new prompts, and fixes
๐ฅ various fixes
๐ฆ 0.75.0 1/7/2025
๐ show file history command
๐ฅ fix rehighlighting bug with remote imports
๐ฆ 0.74.0 1/7/2025
๐ various improvements and fixes
๐ฅ continue gracefully if errors in loading a scroll doc
๐ฆ 0.73.0 1/5/2025
๐ various improvements and fixes
๐ฅ mobile layout fixes
๐ฆ 0.72.0 1/2/2025
๐ added writing metrics
๐ added file keyboard nav
๐ added keyboard shortcut headers
๐ฆ 0.71.0 1/2/2025
๐ update Scroll
๐ ls.csv route
๐ ls.json now includes mtimes and filesizes
๐ฆ 0.70.0 1/1/2025
๐ added dark mode to editor
๐ฆ 0.69.0 12/30/2024
๐ added welcome message
๐ฅ mode fix
๐ฆ 0.68.0 12/30/2024
๐ added keyboard shortcuts help
๐ฆ 0.67.0 12/28/2024
๐ added focus mode
๐ฆ 0.66.0 12/26/2024
๐ Generalized Agent code and added support for deepseek
๐ฆ 0.65.0 12/25/2024
๐ Stop serving all folders from all custom domains
๐ Stop serving non-existant domains
๐ฆ 0.64.0 12/25/2024
๐ Better AI prompt
๐ฆ 0.63.0 12/24/2024
๐ Add cron.js support
๐ฆ 0.62.0 12/24/2024
๐ Moved analytics logging to after response finishes and added response time and status code
๐ฆ 0.61.0 12/23/2024
๐ Added create via AI. Requires adding your Claude API key to server.
๐ฆ 0.60.0 12/20/2024
๐ You can now run unlimited ScrollHub processes on one machine-each independently serving their own root folder on their own port.
๐ฆ 0.59.0 12/19/2024
๐ update scroll for better perf
๐ฅ other fixes
๐ฆ 0.58.0 12/17/2024
๐ update scroll
๐ฅ format fixes
๐ฆ 0.57.0 12/17/2024
๐ format file command
๐ many color and style improvements
๐ upgrade Scroll and ScrollSDK
๐ฆ 0.56.0 12/15/2024
๐ many improvements
๐ฅ various bug fixes
๐ฆ 0.55.0 12/12/2024
๐ faster startup via caching folder contents to .stats.json
๐ refresh parsers on save
๐ฅ various bug fixes
๐ฆ 0.54.0 12/06/2024
๐ hide external dependencies!
๐ hide .log.txt file
๐ upgrade Scroll
๐ฆ 0.53.1 12/04/2024
๐ฅ turn off auto-rehighlighting til we figure it out
๐ฆ 0.53.0 12/04/2024
๐ upgrade ScrollSDK and Scroll
๐ turn Fusion refreshParsers on
๐ฆ 0.52.0 12/02/2024
๐ฅ nested delete file fix
๐ฆ 0.51.0 12/02/2024
๐ฅ git fix
๐ฆ 0.50.0 12/02/2024
๐ cron support: cron.scroll
files are now run automatically every minute.
๐ฆ 0.49.0 11/30/2024
๐ updated Scroll and ScrollSDK for Fusion
๐ฆ 0.48.0 11/29/2024
๐ Fusion http import support
๐ updated Scroll and ScrollSDK
๐ฆ 0.47.0 11/29/2024
๐ updated ScrollSDK and Scroll to get Fusion
๐ฆ 0.46.0 11/27/2024
๐ added fileList filter
๐ฅ various bug fixes
๐ฆ 0.45.0 11/23/2024
๐ added set
๐ upgraded Scroll
๐ fixed nested file editing
๐ฆ 0.44.0 11/22/2024
๐ support mjs script running
๐ฆ 0.43.0 11/22/2024
๐ update Scroll to get better forms and notices parsers
๐ New File API now supports passing params in via query string
๐ฆ 0.42.0 11/21/2024
๐ update Scroll to get new table date transforms
๐ฆ 0.41.0 11/20/2024
๐ added New File API
๐ฆ 0.40.0 11/20/2024
๐ cleanup route names
๐ฆ 0.39.0 11/19/2024
๐ custom parser support in editor
๐ฆ 0.38.0 11/18/2024
๐ file list now shows subdirectories
๐ฆ 0.37.0 11/18/2024
๐ significant write time perf improvements
๐ฆ 0.36.0 11/17/2024
๐ hub can now serve any/all folders on a machine. will serve whatever cwd is.
๐ moved all hub data storage (logs, certs, etc) under new .hub
folder in folders
๐ whatever cwd is when you launch hub, that will be the folders dir now.
โ ๏ธ BREAKING: by default ScrollHub server now serves ~
folder, not ~/folders
. You can update your pm2 job to launch ScrollHub from ~/folders
or move folders from ~/folders
to ~
๐ฆ 0.35.0 11/14/2024
๐ updated Scroll
๐ฆ 0.34.0 11/13/2024
๐ updated Scroll
๐ฆ 0.33.0 11/12/2024
๐ updated Scroll
๐ฆ 0.32.0 11/11/2024
๐ updated to Scroll 148
โ ๏ธ BREAKING: see Scroll release notes for breaks in 148
๐ฆ 0.31.0 11/11/2024
๐ฅ more open cors
๐ฆ 0.30.0 11/11/2024
๐ฅ fix script runner by enabling json form parsing
๐ฆ 0.29.0 11/11/2024
๐ updated scroll
๐ pass request body to script runner
๐ฆ 0.28.0 11/10/2024
๐ฅ temporary cleanup of git issues with templates
๐ฆ 0.27.0 11/10/2024
๐ new /status/:folderName route to help debugging git sync issues
๐ฆ 0.26.0 11/09/2024
๐ฅ git fix
๐ฆ 0.25.0 11/09/2024
๐ add support for php, python, ruby and perl
๐ฆ 0.24.0 11/08/2024
๐ add syntax highlight support for html, css, and js files
๐ฅ dont use scroll mode for non scroll files
๐ฅ dont show folders in sidebar for now
๐ฆ 0.23.0 11/08/2024
๐ show version tracking status of files in sidebar
๐ allow all file types
๐ add download button
๐ folder stats should show # of versioned files, not # of files
๐ a scrollhub folder is one not starting with . that contains a git repo
๐ฆ 0.22.0 11/07/2024
๐ perf for big sites: build saved file immediately, then kick off bigger build jobs
๐ perf for big sites: only have at most 1 build job in queue per folder
๐ฆ 0.21.0 11/07/2024
๐ added new way to create a folder by dropping a zip onto index page
๐ฆ 0.20.0 11/07/2024
๐ run prettier on save of js, css, and html files if hand edited
๐ cleanup of write files
๐ฅ fix bugs with trying to git commit an unchanged file after format
๐ฆ 0.19.0 11/06/2024
๐ shift+click to rename a file
๐ฅ restore normal browser behavior on command click or right click
๐ฆ 0.18.0 11/05/2024
๐ easier/faster renames and file opens
๐ฆ 0.17.0 11/05/2024
๐ add ScrollHub version number to folders.html page and log to console on start
๐ฅ error message improvements
๐ฆ 0.16.0 11/04/2024
๐ฅ bug fixes
๐ฆ 0.15.0 11/03/2024
๐ introduced "buffer" param to editor to allow for creating new files from templates
๐ refactored editor
๐ฆ 0.14.0 11/03/2024
๐ many fixes and improvements
๐ฆ 0.13.0 10/25/2024
๐ the template release
๐ฆ 0.12.0 10/24/2024
๐ one click clones
๐ฆ 0.11.0 10/24/2024
๐ added folder renaming
๐ various improvements
๐ฆ 0.10.0 10/23/2024
๐ significant bug fixes and improvements
๐ฆ 0.8.0 10/18/2024
๐ refactored code into ScrollHub class and started automated tests
๐ refactored templates and creation