University of Austin Freshman Reading List


Data source:

work author year type pages
Epic of Gilgamesh Unknown -2000 Epic Poetry 150
The Odyssey Homer -800 Epic Poetry 384
The Iliad Homer -800 Epic Poetry 608
Theogony Hesiod -700 Epic Poetry 115
Works and Days Hesiod -700 Didactic Poetry 106
Genesis Hebrew Bible -600 Religious Text 150
Exodus Hebrew Bible -600 Religious Text 140
Job Hebrew Bible -600 Religious Text 80
Samuel Hebrew Bible -600 Religious Text 150
Oresteia Aeschylus -458 Tragedy 144
Clouds Aristophanes -423 Comedy 120
Plays Euripides -420 Tragedy 200
Euthyphro Plato -399 Philosophy 40
Apology of Socrates Plato -399 Philosophy 45
Crito Plato -399 Philosophy 30
The Symposium Plato -385 Philosophy 100
The Republic Plato -380 Philosophy 514
Phaedrus Plato -370 Philosophy 85
Nicomachean Ethics Aristotle -350 Philosophy 384
Physics Aristotle -350 Philosophy 256
Politics Aristotle -350 Philosophy 320
Elements Euclid -300 Mathematics 528
Letter to the Romans The New Testament 57 Religious Text 45
Gospel of John The New Testament 100 Religious Text 120
"The Oven of Akhnai" Talmud Bava Metzia 200 Religious Text 150
Confessions Augustine 400 Autobiography 416
"The Political Regime" Al-Farabi 940 Philosophy 180
The Travels Marco Polo 1300 Travelogue 384
Inferno Dante 1320 Epic Poetry 320
"Map of the System of Human Knowledge" Denis Diderot 1751 Philosophy 35
The Birth of Tragedy Nietzsche 1872 Philosophy 160
The Logic of Scientific Discovery Karl Popper 1934 Philosophy 513
The Abolition of Man C.S. Lewis 1943 Philosophy 128
Survival in Auschwitz Primo Levi 1947 Memoir 187
"The Story of Ten Days" Primo Levi 1947 Essay 30
The Greek Myths Robert Graves 1955 Mythology 782
The Periodic Table Primo Levi 1975 Memoir 233
Cerium Primo Levi 1975 Essay 20
Eccentric Culture: A Theory of Western Civilization Rémi Brague 1992 Philosophy 248
Wit Margaret Edson 1995 Play 85
"The Philosopher of Islamic Terror" Paul Berman 2003 Essay 25
"Shop Class as Soulcraft" Matthew Crawford 2009 Essay 246
"Homeric Epic in Performance" Mary Ebbott 2009 Academic 30
The Emergence of Islam Gabriel Said Reynolds 2012 Religious History 235
"Battle Lines" Robyn Creswell and Bernard Haykel 2015 Article 15
The Undoing Project Michael Lewis 2016 Biography 362