date year title permalink authors tags wordCount minutes
08/05/2024 2024 Part Assholes are Awesome assholes.html Breck Yunits All Life Startups 1032 5.2
07/25/2024 2024 David's Last Letter davidsLastLetter.html David C Bangert All Life Society 1529 7.6
07/23/2024 2024 Abraham Lincoln: "Discourage Litigation." litigation.html Breck Yunits All Society 134 0.7
07/18/2024 2024 ETA!: A Measure of Evolution eta.html Breck Yunits All IntellectualFreedom Programming Scroll Society ScrollPapers 368 1.8
07/13/2024 2024 Early Source earlySource.html Breck Yunits All Startups 312 1.6
07/04/2024 2024 Vest Early. Vest Often. vestEarlyVestOften.html Breck Yunits All Startups 541 2.7
06/29/2024 2024 IPDD ipdd.html Breck Yunits All IntellectualFreedom Society 461 2.3
06/25/2024 2024 CheckBox: An Online + Offline Voting System checkbox.html Breck Yunits All Startups Society Scroll 820 4.1
06/12/2024 2024 The World Wide Scroll wws.html Breck Yunits All Scroll Programming Society 165 0.8
06/11/2024 2024 Download this Blog download.html Breck Yunits All Scroll Writing Programming 122 0.6
06/06/2024 2024 ICS: A Measure of Intelligence intelligence.html Breck Yunits All Programming Scroll ScrollPapers 197 1
05/31/2024 2024 PTCRI: An Equation about Syntax Potential ptcri.html Breck Yunits All Programming Scroll ScrollPapers 607 3
05/27/2024 2024 Breck's Lab lab.html Breck Yunits All Science Startups Programming Writing 458 2.3
05/27/2024 2024 The Choice meaning.html Breck Yunits All Thinking Data Hits 351 1.8
05/27/2024 2024 Patch: a micro language to make pretty deep links easy patch.html Breck Yunits All Programming Scroll 463 2.3
05/26/2024 2024 Bring back RadioShack? radioShack.html Breck Yunits All Society HasDataset Data Programming 408 2
05/25/2024 2024 What can we learn from programming language version numbers? versionNumbers.html Breck Yunits All Programming Data Scroll 473 2.4
05/24/2024 2024 Abort Bars abortBar.html Breck Yunits All Programming Life 166 0.8
05/23/2024 2024 The Omni Restaurant omniRestaurant.html Breck Yunits All IntellectualFreedom Society 725 3.6
05/21/2024 2024 ScrollSets: A New Way to Store Knowledge scrollsets.html Breck Yunits All Scroll Programming Data Life ScrollSets 1274 6.4
05/20/2024 2024 High Impact Thoughts hits.html Breck Yunits All Thinking Life Startups Hits 1264 6.3
05/15/2024 2024 PMF Mirages pmfMirage.html Breck Yunits All Startups 1230 6.2
05/14/2024 2024 Digital Copyright and AIs digitalCopyright.html Breck Yunits All IntellectualFreedom Society 360 1.8
05/12/2024 2024 Corporate Email corporateEmail.html Breck Yunits All Startups Society Programming 155 0.8
05/11/2024 2024 Marks marks.html Breck Yunits All Data Thinking Life HasDataset 227 1.1
05/07/2024 2024 The Tallest Tree theTallestTree.html Breck Yunits All Life Thinking Hits 436 2.2
05/05/2024 2024 Three Scientists Go To Heaven aScientistGoesToHeaven.html Breck Yunits All IntellectualFreedom Data 102 0.5
05/04/2024 2024 Hypothermia badModels.html Breck Yunits All Life Society Data 374 1.9
05/02/2024 2024 Energy Clocks theEnergyClock.html Breck Yunits All BipolarEnergy 1093 5.5
04/27/2024 2024 A Higher Language aHigherLanguage.html Breck Yunits All Life Thinking Writing 400 2
04/23/2024 2024 Hot Coffee datasets.html Breck Yunits All Data Thinking Programming HasDataset ScrollSets 864 4.3
04/23/2024 2024 Big O's Kitchen bigOsKitchen.html Breck Yunits All Programming Data HasDataset Logeracy 386 1.9
04/22/2024 2024 The Fastest in the World fastest.html Breck Yunits All Life Thinking Data 324 1.6
04/16/2024 2024 Ketones vs Lithium ketonesVsLithium.html Breck Yunits All BipolarEnergy HasDataset 5125 25.6
04/10/2024 2024 The Future of the Term "Bipolar Disorder" bipolarTerm.html Breck Yunits All BipolarEnergy 880 4.4
04/05/2024 2024 Blog Posts, Sorted by Sleep sleepWriting.html Breck Yunits All BipolarEnergy Writing HasDataset 836 4.2
04/03/2024 2024 Do Human Brains Molt? doHumanBrainsMolt.html Breck Yunits All BipolarEnergy 590 3
04/02/2024 2024 Final Tree Notation Report treeNotationFinalReport.html Breck Yunits All Scroll Programming 1837 9.2
03/30/2024 2024 The Box Method of Science boxMethod.html Breck Yunits All Data Thinking 1155 5.8
03/08/2024 2024 Open-Mindedness openMindedness.html Breck Yunits All BipolarEnergy Life 1421 7.1
02/24/2024 2024 A Different Kind of Mindmap mindmap.html Breck Yunits All BipolarEnergy Programming Life Minsky 480 2.4
02/21/2024 2024 Synthesizing Knowledge synthesizingKnowledge.html Breck Yunits All Data Thinking Programming 510 2.5
02/20/2024 2024 The Brain Pilot Model of Bipolar Disorder brainPilotModelOfBipolarDisorder.html Breck Yunits All BipolarEnergy 1517 7.6
02/14/2024 2024 Why do we subsidize lies? whyDoWeSubsidizeLies.html Breck Yunits All IntellectualFreedom Society 279 1.4
02/11/2024 2024 Beliefs beliefs.html Breck Yunits All Life 305 1.5
02/09/2024 2024 What is the role of the bipolar in society? bipolarsInSociety.html Breck Yunits All BipolarEnergy 2728 13.6
02/04/2024 2024 Stable Mood Disorder stableMoodDisorder.html Breck Yunits All BipolarEnergy 723 3.6
02/03/2024 2024 Becoming a High Energy Person powerSurges.html Breck Yunits All BipolarEnergy 1369 6.8
01/30/2024 2024 Blogging as Therapy bloggingAsTherapy.html Breck Yunits All BipolarEnergy Writing 882 4.4
01/29/2024 2024 Delusions delusions.html Breck Yunits All BipolarEnergy 1726 8.6
01/26/2024 2024 On Eating Animals eatingAnimals.html Breck Yunits All Society 845 4.2
01/24/2024 2024 Focusing on Bipolar Disorder bipolarDisorder.html Breck Yunits All BipolarEnergy 2783 13.9
01/23/2024 2024 Keto for bipolar was not talked about until very recently bipolarKeto.html Breck Yunits All BipolarEnergy HasDataset 414 2.1
01/12/2024 2024 Words are Worse than Weights wordsAreWorseThanWeights.html Breck Yunits All Programming Writing Scroll Life 1881 9.4
01/04/2024 2024 If nature is doing it... ifNatureIsDoingIt.html Breck Yunits All Thinking Life Startups Data 296 1.5
01/01/2024 2024 Could in vitro brains power AI? couldInVitroBrainsPowerAI.html Breck Yunits All Programming Society 1126 5.6
01/01/2024 2024 Writing in 2024 nyd2024.html Breck Yunits All Writing Blogging 269 1.3
12/28/2023 2023 I thought we could build AI experts by hand iThoughtWeCouldBuildAIExpertsByHand.html Breck Yunits All Scroll Programming Startups 5709 28.5
06/27/2023 2023 A Manic Startup a-manic-startup.html Breck Yunits All BipolarEnergy Startups 1030 5.2
06/16/2023 2023 A Proposal to Solve Government Forms Worldwide, Forever a-proposal-on-government-forms.html Breck Yunits All Scroll Programming Society 1085 5.4
06/13/2023 2023 Many Narratives. All true. many-narratives-all-true.html Breck Yunits All Writing Life Narratives 716 3.6
06/09/2023 2023 Live Free or AGI live-free-or-agi.html Breck Yunits All Society 561 2.8
05/26/2023 2023 A Mathematical Model of Copyright a-mathematical-model-of-copyright.html Breck Yunits All IntellectualFreedom 1321 6.6
05/19/2023 2023 Walking and other invisible tools of thought walking-as-a-tool-of-thought.html Breck Yunits All Writing Hits 839 4.2
05/09/2023 2023 The Magnificent Multi-Agent Mind of Marvin Minsky marvin-minsky.html Breck Yunits All BipolarEnergy Life Minsky 1164 5.8
04/28/2023 2023 Enchained Symbols enchained-symbols.html Breck Yunits All IntellectualFreedom 310 1.6
03/06/2023 2023 A Public Domain Human a-public-domain-human.html Breck Yunits All IntellectualFreedom 1080 5.4
01/27/2023 2023 SafeFS safeFs.html Breck Yunits All IntellectualFreedom 388 1.9
01/03/2023 2023 Use the Spine useTheSpine.html Breck Yunits All Scroll Programming 534 2.7
12/30/2022 2022 One Textarea oneTextarea.html Breck Yunits All Scroll Programming 611 3.1
11/16/2022 2022 Root Thinking root-thinking.html Breck Yunits All Programming Thinking Scroll 348 1.7
11/14/2022 2022 Replies always welcome replies-always-welcome.html Breck Yunits All Programming 567 2.8
10/15/2022 2022 Training a neural network to spot misinformation and fake news from a single image misinformationOrFakeNewsNeuralNetwork.html Breck Yunits All IntellectualFreedom Society 69 0.3
10/07/2022 2022 A scratch ticket with a positive expected value scratch-ticket.html Breck Yunits All Startups 457 2.3
09/01/2022 2022 An Angel Investor's Data an-angel-investors-data.html Breck Yunits All Startups HasDataset 534 2.7
08/30/2022 2022 How the public domain can win how-the-public-domain-can-win.html Breck Yunits All IntellectualFreedom 793 4
06/09/2022 2022 The Three Byte Fix ckmeans.html Breck Yunits All Programming Data HasDataset Logeracy 999 5
02/28/2022 2022 Upstream of Everything upstream-of-everything.html Breck Yunits All Life Thinking 1240 6.2
02/18/2022 2022 Brain Pilots brain-pilots.html Breck Yunits All BipolarEnergy Life Minsky 2720 13.6
12/15/2021 2021 Aftertext aftertext.html Breck Yunits All Scroll Programming Writing 2029 10.1
10/15/2021 2021 Write Thin to Write Fast write-thin-to-write-fast.html Breck Yunits All Writing HasDataset 1081 5.4
08/11/2021 2021 User Methods user-methods.html Breck Yunits All Programming 1460 7.3
05/22/2021 2021 Goblin Interviews Alexandra Elbakian elbakian-interview.html Breck Yunits All OtherAuthor 17148 85.7
05/14/2021 2021 Scrolldown now has Dialogues dialogues.html Breck Yunits All Scroll 137 0.7
05/12/2021 2021 The Intellectual Freedom Amendment ifa.html Breck Yunits All IntellectualFreedom 468 2.3
05/07/2021 2021 Some old blogs some-old-blogs.html Breck Yunits All Writing 265 1.3
05/06/2021 2021 Wisdom: a Tiny Language for Great Advice wisdom-a-tiny-language-for-great-advice.html Breck Yunits All Data Writing Life 666 3.3
04/26/2021 2021 Logeracy logeracy.html Breck Yunits All Data Thinking Society Hits Logeracy 1590 8
03/30/2021 2021 How to fix the CDC how-to-fix-the-cdc.html Breck Yunits All Society 1046 5.2
03/11/2021 2021 How James Park built FitBit how-james-park-built-fitbit.html Breck Yunits All OtherAuthor 11703 58.5
02/28/2021 2021 Insist on Focus - Keith Rabois describes working at PayPal insist-on-focus.html Breck Yunits All Startups OtherAuthor 679
02/28/2021 2021 The Public Domain Publishing Company the-public-domain-publishing-company.html Breck Yunits All IntellectualFreedom Startups Scroll 97 0.5
02/22/2021 2021 Scroll Beta scroll-beta.html Breck Yunits All Scroll Programming Writing 240 1.2
02/11/2021 2021 Sleepy Time Conference sleepyTimeConference.html Breck Yunits All Society Startups 299 1.5
12/09/2020 2020 2019 Tree Notation Annual Report tree-notation-annual-report-2019.html Breck Yunits All Scroll Programming 3866 19.3
03/02/2020 2020 Medical Records to the Moon medical-records-to-the-moon.html Breck Yunits All Thinking Society HasDataset Data 1158 5.8
03/02/2020 2020 Musing on the Future of Healthcare musing-on-the-future-of-healthcare.html Breck Yunits All Thinking Society 376 1.9
02/25/2020 2020 How Old Are These Keys? Five Eras of Human Progress how-old-are-these-keys.html Breck Yunits All Thinking Society HasDataset 1524 7.6
02/21/2020 2020 An Unpopular Phrase an-unpopular-phrase.html Breck Yunits All IntellectualFreedom 684 3.4
02/09/2020 2020 Integrity and Perseverance in Business ensure success (1853) integrity-and-perseverance-in-business-ensure-success.html Breck Yunits All Startups 188 0.9
01/29/2020 2020 Building a TreeBase with 6.5 million files building-a-treebase-with-6.5-million-files.html Breck Yunits All Scroll Programming HasDataset 7080 35.4
01/23/2020 2020 Dataset Needed dataset-needed.html Breck Yunits All Data Thinking Society Writing IntellectualFreedom ScrollSets 484 2.4
01/20/2020 2020 Type the World type-the-world.html Breck Yunits All Programming Thinking Scroll 2407 12
01/16/2020 2020 If stories are lies why do they work? if-stories-are-lies-why-do-they-work.html Breck Yunits All Writing Life Data Narratives 643 3.2
01/03/2020 2020 Dreaming of a Data Checked Language dreaming-of-a-data-checked-language.html Breck Yunits All Data Programming Writing Thinking Scroll HasDataset IntellectualFreedom ScrollSets 2601 13
08/19/2019 2019 English cannot encode Real News english-cannot-encode-real-news.html Breck Yunits All Writing Society Data Narratives 805 4
07/18/2019 2019 30,000 Hours 30000hours.html Breck Yunits All Programming Life HasDataset MasterProgramming 485 2.4
01/13/2018 2018 Going Manic with a FitBit going-manic-with-a-fitbit.html Breck Yunits All BipolarEnergy HasDataset 2026 10.1
12/20/2017 2017 Counting Complexity countingComplexity.html Breck Yunits All Scroll ScrollPapers 1485 7.4
09/10/2017 2017 A New Language for Making Languages aGrammarNotationForTreeLanguages.html Breck Yunits All Scroll ScrollPapers 341 1.7
06/23/2017 2017 Ohayo ohayo.html Breck Yunits All Data Programming Startups Scroll 70 0.3
06/21/2017 2017 Show HN: Programming is Now Two-Dimensional show-hn-programming-is-now-two-dimensional.html Breck Yunits All Scroll Programming 701 3.5
06/21/2017 2017 Tree Notation: an antifragile program notation treenotationPaper.html Breck Yunits All Scroll ScrollPapers 1256 6.3
09/24/2013 2013 Big Data Notation big-data-notation.html Breck Yunits All Data Programming Thinking 236 1.2
09/23/2013 2013 NudgePad: An IDE in Your Browser nudgepad-an-ide-in-your-browser.html Breck Yunits All Programming Startups Scroll 401 2
06/02/2013 2013 SpaceNet: A successor to the Internet spacenet.html Breck Yunits All Programming Scroll WWS 616 3.1
04/02/2013 2013 Software Should Save People Time software-should-save-people-time.html Breck Yunits All Programming 245 1.2
04/01/2013 2013 Time time.html Breck Yunits All Life 80 0.4
03/30/2013 2013 Money is Meant to Circulate money-is-meant-to-circulate.html Breck Yunits All Life Society 158 0.8
03/30/2013 2013 Why 10,000 hours? why-10000-hours.html Breck Yunits All Life Thinking Data MasterProgramming 391 2
03/16/2013 2013 Minor Epiphanies minor-epiphanies.html Breck Yunits All Programming 318 1.6
03/08/2013 2013 The Booster Design Pattern the-booster-design-pattern.html Breck Yunits All Startups 53 0.3
02/24/2013 2013 Startups and Planes startups-and-planes.html Breck Yunits All Startups 72 0.4
02/16/2013 2013 Save Your Money for Great Values save-your-money-for-great-values.html Breck Yunits All Life Thinking Hits 255 1.3
02/12/2013 2013 Infinite Futures infinite-futures.html Breck Yunits All Life Thinking 142 0.7
12/29/2012 2012 Prove It prove-it.html Breck Yunits All Life Motivation 122 0.6
12/23/2012 2012 The Great Bank Robbery the-great-bank-robbery.html Breck Yunits All Society HasDataset 182 0.9
12/22/2012 2012 Responsibility responsibility.html Breck Yunits All Life 418 2.1
12/19/2012 2012 Black Swans and Technology black-swans-and-technology.html Breck Yunits All Thinking Startups 457 2.3
12/19/2012 2012 Deliver deliver.html Breck Yunits All Life 411 2.1
12/18/2012 2012 Can't Lose. Could Win Big. cant-lose-could-win-big.html Breck Yunits All Life Startups 462 2.3
12/18/2012 2012 Probability Makes Planes Fly probability-makes-planes-fly.html Breck Yunits All Thinking Life 380 1.9
12/16/2012 2012 Narratives Misrepresent Complex Systems narratives-misrepresent-complex-systems.html Breck Yunits All Thinking Writing Life Narratives 838 4.2
12/16/2012 2012 Simple is... simple-is.html Breck Yunits All Life Thinking 170 0.8
12/14/2012 2012 Introducing Note introducing-note.html Breck Yunits All Scroll Programming 711 3.6
11/26/2012 2012 Planets and Pebbles planets-and-pebbles.html Breck Yunits All Thinking Logeracy Hits 215 1.1
11/25/2012 2012 Publishing More publishing-more.html Breck Yunits All Writing Blogging 256 1.3
11/20/2012 2012 Setplicity setplicity.html Breck Yunits All Programming Thinking 782 3.9
10/20/2012 2012 Naming Things naming-things.html Breck Yunits All Programming Writing 896 4.5
03/30/2011 2011 What can a Programmer learn from Rock Climbing? what-can-a-programmer-learn-from-rock-climbing.html Breck Yunits All Programming Life MasterProgramming 1385 6.9
03/05/2011 2011 Look for a Line look-for-a-line.html Breck Yunits All Startups Thinking 329 1.6
03/04/2011 2011 Backpack the World with Zero Planning backpack-the-world-with-zero-planning.html Breck Yunits All Life 1176 5.9
09/18/2010 2010 The Economy Explained the-economy-explained.html Breck Yunits All Society 1035 5.2
08/25/2010 2010 Circle of Competence circle-of-competence.html Breck Yunits All Life 175 0.9
08/25/2010 2010 Critical Thinking critical-thinking.html Breck Yunits All Life 105 0.5
08/25/2010 2010 How is Intelligence Distributed? how-is-intelligence-distributed.html Breck Yunits All Thinking Society 116 0.6
08/25/2010 2010 Kids are Neat kids-are-neat.html Breck Yunits All Life Society 199 1
08/25/2010 2010 Nature Verse Nurture nature-verse-nurture.html Breck Yunits All Life Society 235 1.2
08/25/2010 2010 Recommendations Are Far From Good recommendations-are-far-from-good.html Breck Yunits All Thinking Society 210 1.1
08/25/2010 2010 Ruby ruby.html Breck Yunits All Programming 70 0.3
08/25/2010 2010 You Can't Predict the Future you-cant-predict-the-future.html Breck Yunits All Thinking Life 756 3.8
08/23/2010 2010 The Recency Effect the-recency-effect.html Breck Yunits All Thinking Society 353 1.8
08/23/2010 2010 What Percentage of the Brain Does What? what-percentage-of-the-brain-does-what.html Breck Yunits All Thinking 305 1.5
08/11/2010 2010 The Ovarian Lottery and Other Side Projects the-ovarian-lottery-and-other-side-projects.html Breck Yunits All Thinking Data Society 1028 5.1
08/06/2010 2010 Happiness is in Mediocristan happiness-is-in-mediocristan.html Breck Yunits All Thinking Life 583 2.9
08/06/2010 2010 Orbits orbits.html Breck Yunits All Thinking Life 270 1.4
08/06/2010 2010 What I Want what-i-want.html Breck Yunits All Life 755 3.8
08/03/2010 2010 The Do You Know Game and Why We Need Celebrities the-do-you-know-game-and-why-we-need-celebrities.html Breck Yunits All Society 767 3.8
07/02/2010 2010 Design Matters. A lot. design-matters-a-lot.html Breck Yunits All Programming Startups Design 828 4.1
06/28/2010 2010 Competition and Specialization competition-and-specialization.html Breck Yunits All Startups Society 238 1.2
06/17/2010 2010 Simple, but not easy simple-but-not-easy.html Breck Yunits All Startups Life 650 3.3
06/16/2010 2010 Flip Flopping flip-flopping.html Breck Yunits All Life 607 3
06/15/2010 2010 The Churn Rate of Data the-churn-rate-of-data.html Breck Yunits All Data Thinking Programming 176 0.9
06/14/2010 2010 Culture and Complexity culture-and-complexity.html Breck Yunits All Society Life 385 1.9
03/24/2010 2010 The Invention of Free Will the-invention-of-free-will.html Breck Yunits All Life 322 1.6
03/22/2010 2010 Why is it best to do one thing really, really well? why-is-it-best-to-do-one-thing-really-really-well.html Breck Yunits All Startups 876 4.4
03/17/2010 2010 The Hidden Benefits of Automation the-hidden-benefits-of-automation.html Breck Yunits All Programming 393 2
03/16/2010 2010 Metrics for Programmers metrics-for-programmers.html Breck Yunits All Programming HasDataset 219 1.1
03/08/2010 2010 HackerNews Data: Visits as a Function of Karma hackernews-data-visits-as-a-function-of-karma.html Breck Yunits All Programming Startups HasDataset 130 0.7
02/19/2010 2010 Don't talk about what you will do, talk about what you have done dont-talk-about-what-you-will-do-talk-about-what-you-have-done.html Breck Yunits All Life Motivation 522 2.6
02/17/2010 2010 Why it's worth it to buy the book why-its-worth-it-to-buy-the-book.html Breck Yunits All Life Thinking Hits 449 2.2
02/02/2010 2010 The Least You Can Do the-least-you-can-do.html Breck Yunits All Life 471 2.4
01/29/2010 2010 Four Tips to Improve Communication four-tips-to-improve-communication.html Breck Yunits All Life 397 2
01/22/2010 2010 Network Effects network-effects.html Breck Yunits All Startups Society 270 1.4
01/18/2010 2010 If you can explain something logically, you can explain it simply if-you-can-explain-something-logically-you-can-explain-it-simply.html Breck Yunits All Writing 418 2.1
01/15/2010 2010 With Computers: Don't Repeat Yourself. With People: DO Repeat Yourself with-computers-dont-repeat-yourself-with-people-do-repeat-yourself.html Breck Yunits All Programming Life 954 4.8
01/14/2010 2010 When forced to wait, wait! when-forced-to-wait-wait.html Breck Yunits All Life 515 2.6
01/12/2010 2010 How to Buy Low, Sell High how-to-buy-low-sell-high.html Breck Yunits All Life 767 3.8
01/05/2010 2010 Flee the Bubble flee-the-bubble.html Breck Yunits All Startups 616 3.1
12/28/2009 2009 Checklist for New Products checklist-for-new-products.html Breck Yunits All Startups 185 0.9
12/24/2009 2009 Diversification in Startups diversification-in-startups.html Breck Yunits All Startups 1231 6.2
12/23/2009 2009 Thoughts on Setting Goals thoughts-on-setting-goals.html Breck Yunits All Life 346 1.7
12/20/2009 2009 Problems Worth Solving problems-worth-solving.html Breck Yunits All Programming Startups 484 2.4
12/16/2009 2009 Make Something 40% of Your Customers Must Have make-something-40-of-your-customers-must-have.html Breck Yunits All Startups 621 3.1
12/15/2009 2009 SEO Made Easy: LUMPS seo-made-easy-lumps.html Breck Yunits All Programming Startups 694 3.5
12/13/2009 2009 Don't Flip the Bit dont-flip-the-bozo-bit.html Breck Yunits All Programming Life 387 1.9
12/11/2009 2009 (un)features unfeatures.html Breck Yunits All Programming Startups 473 2.4
12/10/2009 2009 Get Stuff Done By Setting Arbitrary Constraints get-stuff-done-by-setting-arbitrary-constraints.html Breck Yunits All Life 495 2.5
12/09/2009 2009 Why You Shouldn't Save Blogging for Old Age why-you-shouldnt-save-blogging-for-old-age.html Breck Yunits All Writing 298 1.5
12/08/2009 2009 6 Specific Ways to Find Programming Mentors 6-specific-ways-to-find-programming-mentors.html Breck Yunits All Programming MasterProgramming 902 4.5
12/07/2009 2009 Orders of Magnitude orders-of-magnitude.html Breck Yunits All Thinking Logeracy Hits 906 4.5
12/06/2009 2009 The Many Worlds Law the-many-worlds-law.html Breck Yunits All Life Thinking 357 1.8
12/04/2009 2009 Twelve Tips to Master Programming Faster twelve-tips-to-master-programming-faster.html Breck Yunits All Programming MasterProgramming 1909 9.5
12/03/2009 2009 What's Linear Algebra? whats-linear-algebra.html Breck Yunits All Thinking 337 1.7
12/02/2009 2009 Fiction or Nonfiction? fiction-or-nonfiction.html Breck Yunits All Writing 339 1.7
12/02/2009 2009 Experience is What You Get experience-is-what-you-get.html Breck Yunits All Life 307 1.5
12/02/2009 2009 I'm Back im-back.html Breck Yunits All Writing Blogging 258 1.3
05/06/2009 2009 What you focus on, increases what-you-focus-on-increases.html Breck Yunits All Startups Thinking Life 392 2
04/14/2009 2009 The Truth about Web Design the-truth-about-web-design.html Breck Yunits All Startups Programming Design 294 1.5
04/06/2009 2009 Twitter Search Wins Again twitter-search-wins-again.html Breck Yunits All Startups 242 1.2
03/31/2009 2009 Irrational Numbers irrational-numbers.html Breck Yunits All Thinking 610 3
01/05/2009 2009 Are you Making Something that will become ‘Absolutely Irrelevant’? are-you-making-something-that-will-become-absolutely-irrelevant.html Breck Yunits All Startups 536 2.7
11/23/2008 2008 Meteorite Caught on Film meteorite-caught-on-film.html Breck Yunits All Society 84 0.4
10/12/2008 2008 When the Market Says No, Listen my-best-startup-advice-numbers-numbers-numbers.html Breck Yunits All Startups 436 2.2
09/19/2008 2008 San Francisco san-francisco.html Breck Yunits All Startups 72 0.4
08/20/2008 2008 JustHackIt justhackit.html Breck Yunits All Startups 332 1.7
07/28/2008 2008 Bigger Telescopes are needed to Solve Global Warming bigger-telescopes-are-needed-to-solve-global-warming.html Breck Yunits All Society 560 2.8
07/28/2008 2008 How to Cure the Hiccups how-to-cure-the-hiccups.html Breck Yunits All Life 280 1.4
07/27/2008 2008 Trying Shelfari, GoodReads, and LibraryThing trying-shelfari-goodreads-and-librarything.html Breck Yunits All Thinking Life 437 2.2
07/09/2008 2008 Over Half of the World is Older Than Me over-half-of-the-world-is-older-than-me.html Breck Yunits All Life 157 0.8
07/07/2008 2008 Bloggers Turning Pro bloggers-who-turned-pro-and-their-famous-last-words.html Breck Yunits All Writing HasDataset 1069 5.3
05/14/2008 2008 Daily Gas Use for the United States and the World daily-gas-use-for-the-united-states-and-the-world.html Breck Yunits All Society Data 289 1.4
05/08/2008 2008 Analyzing the Hacker News Users’ Join Dates, Karma, and Profiles analyzing-the-hacker-news-users-join-dates-karma-and-profiles.html Breck Yunits All Startups HasDataset 1069 5.3
09/28/2007 2007 First Place in the Stock Market Game first-place-in-the-stock-market-game.html Breck Yunits All Startups 487 2.4
09/13/2007 2007 Why a Team is Worth a lot more than an Idea why-a-team-is-worth-a-lot-more-than-an-idea.html Breck Yunits All Startups 648 3.2
08/28/2007 2007 Learning How to Program Part I learning-how-to-program-part-i.html Breck Yunits All Programming 574 2.9
08/24/2007 2007 I guess the time has come i-guess-the-time-had-come.html Breck Yunits All Writing Life Blogging 345 1.7
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