title Enhancing Rail Madad with AI-Powered Customer Support header.scroll css html {font-size: var(--base-font-size, 18px);} wideColumn printTitle br AI-Powered Complaint Management System for Rail Madad center Enhancing customer service for Indian Railways using Generative AI technologies class scrollButton AI-Powered Rail Madad br mediumColumns 1 ## Problem Statement Rail Madad is a customer complaint platform that aims to assist passengers by resolving issues during their travel. However, the manual handling of complaints can be time-consuming, leading to delayed resolutions and lower customer satisfaction. --- ## Solution Proposal Using AI-powered tools such as Generative AI for chatbots, image, and video analysis, sentiment analysis, and Optical Character Recognition (OCR), the system can be enhanced to automate the management of customer complaints efficiently. --- ## Key Technologies 1. **Chatbots**: AI-driven bots can interact with passengers to quickly collect complaint details, provide information, and suggest immediate solutions. 2. **Image and Video Analysis**: AI tools can scan images and videos provided by passengers for quicker identification of issues (e.g., cleanliness or seat conditions). 3. **Sentiment Analysis**: This tool can prioritize complaints based on urgency and severity by analyzing the tone of text submissions. 4. **OCR**: OCR technology can automatically extract text from scanned documents or images provided by passengers, speeding up the review process. --- ## Dashboard Example dashboard #1 Complaints Resolved Today 1200 Complaints 85% Satisfaction Rate --- ## Future Enhancements - **Real-Time Notifications**: Passengers receive live updates on the status of their complaints. - **Data Analytics**: The system uses AI to generate reports and analyze common complaint types to improve services proactively. endColumns footer.scroll