10.48550/arXiv.2411.15243 |
Bio-inspired AI: Integrating Biological Complexity into Artificial Intelligence |
2024 |
Dehghani, N., Levin, M. |
2 |
arxiv |
10.31219/osf.io/tb5ys |
Harnessing the analog computing power of regulatory networks with the Regulatory Network Machine |
2024 |
Pietak, A., Levin, M. |
2 |
OSF Preprints |
10.48550/arXiv.2411.13420 |
Heuristically Adaptive Diffusion-Model Evolutionary Strategy |
2024 |
Hartl, B., Zhang, Y., Hazan, H., Levin M. |
3 |
arxiv |
10.31219/osf.io/3fdya |
Cognitive Glues Are Shared Models of Relative Scarcities: The Economics of Collective Intelligence |
2024 |
Lyons, B.F., Levin, M. |
2 |
OSF Preprints |
10.31219/osf.io/fqm7r |
Robustness of the Mind-Body Interface: case studies of unconventional information flow in the multiscale living architecture |
2024 |
Kofman, K., Levin, M. |
2 |
OSF Preprints |
10.31219/osf.io/whm5u |
The morphological, behavioral, and transcriptomic life cycle of Anthrobots |
2024 |
Gumuskaya, G., Davey, N., Srivastava, P., Bender, A., Pio-Lopez, L., Hazel, D., Levin, M. |
7 |
OSF Preprints |
10.31219/osf.io/gz3km |
Discussions of machine vs. living intelligence need more clarity |
2024 |
Levin, M., Rouleau, N. |
2 |
OSF Preprints |
10.31219/osf.io/gjxhn |
Temporal Depth in a Coherent Self and in Depersonalization: Theoretical Model |
2024 |
Tolchinsky, A., Levin, M., Chris Fields, C., Da Costa, L., Murphy, R., Friedman, D., Pincus, D. |
7 |
OSF Preprints |
10.31219/osf.io/py86e |
Bioelectric Characterization of Senescing Human Keratinocytes |
2024 |
Sediqi, H., Levin, M. |
2 |
OSF Preprints |
10.5281/zenodo.8416764 |
Requirements for self organization |
2024 |
Sacco, F., Sakthivadivel, D., Levin, M. |
3 |
Github |
10.48550/arXiv.2410.02543 |
Diffusion Models are Evolutionary Algorithms |
2024 |
Zhang, Y., Hartl, B., Hazen, H., Levin, M. |
4 |
arxiv |
10.48550/arXiv.2409.13254 |
Emergent Collective Reproduction via Evolving Neuronal Flocks |
2024 |
Le, N.H., Watson, R. A., Buckley, C., Levin, M. |
4 |
arXiv |
10.31219/osf.io/kdjtx |
Uncertainty Minimization and Pattern Recognition in Volvox Carteri andVolvox Aureus |
2024 |
Kuchling, F., Singh, I., Daga, M., Zec, S., Kunen, A., Levin, M. |
6 |
OSF Preprints |
10.31219/osf.io/n2jre |
Xenobot Transcriptomics: Gene Expression Changes in wild-type cells forming a synthetic biobot |
2024 |
Pai, V. P., Pio-Lopez, L., Sperry, M. M., Erickson, P., Levin, M. |
5 |
OSF Preprints |
10.20944/preprints202408.2041.v1 |
The Role of Bioelectrical Patterns in Regulative Morphogenesis: An Evolutionary Simulation and Validation in Planarian Regeneration |
2024 |
Hansali, S., Pio-Lopez, L., LaPalme, J. V, Levin, M. |
4 |
Preprints.org |
10.31219/osf.io/yq9xe |
The multiscale wisdom of the body: collective intelligence as a tractable interface for next-generation biomedicine |
2024 |
Levin, M. |
1 |
OSF Preprints |
10.20944/preprints202407.1896.v1 |
Open Problems in Synthetic Multicellularity |
2024 |
Sole, R., Conde, N., Pla Mauri, J., Garcia Ojalvo, J., Montserrat, N., Levin, M. |
6 |
Preprints.org |
10.48550/arXiv.2407.09438 |
Neuroevolution of Decentralized Decision-Making in N-Bead Swimmers Leads to Scalable and Robust Collective Locomotion |
2024 |
Hartl, B., Levin, M., Zöttl, A.(2024), |
3 |
arxiv |
10.31219/osf.io/d78wb |
Universal Multilayer Network Embedding Reveals a Causal Link Between GABA Neurotransmitter and Cancer |
2024 |
Pio-Lopez, L., Levin, M. (2024), |
2 |
OSF Preprints |
10.1101/2024.05.09.593467 |
Revealing non-trivial information structures in aneural biological tissues via functional connectivity |
2024 |
Blackiston, D., Dromiack, H., Grasso, C., Varley, T. F., Moore, D. G., Srinivasan, K., Sporns, O., Bongard, J., Levin, M., Walker, S.I. (2024), |
10 |
bioRxiv |
10.31234/osf.io/ez263 |
AI: a Bridge toward Diverse Intelligence and Humanity’s Future |
2024 |
Levin, M. |
1 |
PsyArXiv |
10.31219/osf.io/sp9kf |
Evolutionary Implications of Multi-Scale Intelligence |
2024 |
Hartl, B., Risi, S., and Levin, M. |
3 |
OSF Preprints |
10.31219/osf.io/9y8ku |
Stress Sharing as Cognitive Glue for Collective Intelligences: a computational model of stress as a coordinator for morphogenesis |
2024 |
Shreesha, L., and Levin, M. |
2 |
OSF Preprints |
10.31219/osf.io/4b2wj |
Self-improvising Memories: a perspective on memories as agential, dynamically-reinterpreting cognitive glue |
2024 |
Levin, M. |
1 |
OSF Preprints |
10.1101/2024.02.16.580248 |
An ability to respond begins with inner alignment: How phase synchronisation effects transitions to higher levels of agency |
2024 |
Tissot, T., Levin, M., Buckley, C., and Watson, R. |
4 |
bioRxiv |
10.31219/osf.io/qkuvf |
Bioelectric Pharmacology of Cancer: A Meta-Analysis of Ion Channel Drugs Affecting the Cancer Phenotype |
2024 |
Kofman, K., and Levin, M. |
2 |
OSF Preprints |
10.31219/osf.io/e5d4u |
Classical Sorting Algorithms as a Model of Morphogenesis: self-sorting arrays reveal unexpected competencies in a minimal model of basal intelligence |
2023 |
Zhang, T., Goldstein, A., and Levin, M. |
3 |
OSF Preprints |
10.31219/osf.io/s6thq |
AI-driven Automated Discovery Tools Reveal Diverse Behavioral Competencies of Biological Networks |
2023 |
Etcheverry, M., Moulin-Frier, C., Oudeyer, P.-Y., and Levin, M. |
4 |
OSF Preprints |
10.1101/2023.10.10.561754 |
Programmable delivery of fluoxetine via wearable bioelectronics for wound healing in vivo |
2023 |
Li, H., Yang, H.-Y., Asefifeyzabadi, N., Baniya, P., Medina Lopez, A., Gallegos, A., Zhu, K., Hsieh, H.-C., Nguyen, T., Hernandez, C., Zlobina, K., Recendez, C., Tebyani, M., CarriĂłn, H., Selberg, J., Luo, L., Alhamo, M. A., Soulika, A. M., Levin, M., Norouzi, N., Gomez, M., Zhao, M., Teodorescu, M., Isseroff, R. R., and Rolandi, M. |
25 |
bioRxiv |
10.5281/zenodo.8416764 |
Requirements for self organization: What do you need to have a structure emerge spontaneously? |
2023 |
Sacco, F., Sakthivadivel, D., and Levin, M. |
3 |
Github |
10.31219/osf.io/269e5 |
Machine Learning for Hypothesis Generation in Biology and Medicine: Exploring the latent space of neuroscience and developmental bioelectricity |
2023 |
O’Brien, T., Stremmel, J., Pio-Lopez, L., McMillen, P., Rasmussen-Ivey, C., and Levin, M. |
6 |
OSF Preprints |
10.48550/arXiv.2307.08452 |
SBMLtoODEjax: efficient simulation and optimization of ODE SBML models in JAX |
2023 |
Etcheverry, M., Levin, M., Moulin-Frier, C., and Oudeyer, P.-Y. |
4 |
arxiv |
10.31219/osf.io/ps987 |
Embryos Assist Each Other’s Morphogenesis: calcium and ATP signaling mechanisms in collective resistance to teratogens |
2023 |
Tung, A., Sperry, M., Clawson, W., Pavuluri, A., Bulatao, S., Yue, M., Flores, R. M., Pai, V. McMillen, P., Kuchling, F., and Levin, M. |
10 |
OSF Preprints |
10.31219/osf.io/wkhx4 |
Aging as a morphostasis defect: a developmental bioelectricity perspective |
2023 |
Pio-Lopez, L., and Levin, M. |
2 |
OSF Preprints |
10.31234/osf.io/g8q5d |
Nested Selves: Self-Organisation and Shared Markov Blankets in Prenatal Development in Humans |
2023 |
Ciaunica, A., Levin, M., Rosas, F., and Friston, K. |
4 |
PsyArXiv |
10.20944/preprints202305.1160.v1 |
The Yin and Yang of Breast Cancer: Ion Channels as Determinants of Left-Right Functional Differences |
2023 |
Masuelli, S., Real, S., McMillen, P., Oudin, M., Levin, M., and Roqué, M. |
6 |
Preprints.org |
10.48550/arXiv.2303.01514 |
Control flow in active inference systems |
2023 |
Fields, C., Fabrocini, F., Friston, K., Glazebrook, J. F., Hazan, H., Levin, M. and Marcianò, A. |
6 |
arXiv |
10.31219/osf.io/p23se |
Darwin’s Agential Materials: evolutionary implications of multi-scale competency in developmental biology |
2023 |
Levin, M. |
1 |
OSF Preprints |
10.31234/osf.io/pjrd2 |
Towards an Ethics of Autopoietic Technology: Stress, Care, and Intelligence |
2023 |
Witkowski, O., Doctor, T., Solomonova, E., Duane, B., and Levin, M. |
5 |
PsyArXiv |
10.1101/2023.02.27.530270 |
Identification of a pharmaceutical biostasis inducer that slows metabolism in multiple vertebrates that do not hibernate |
2023 |
Sperry, M. M., Charrez, B., Fotowat, H., Gardner, E., Pilobello, K., Izadifar, Z., Lin, T., Kuelker, A., Kaki, S., Lewandowski, M., Lightbown, S., Martinez, R., Marquez, S., Sesay, A., Shcherbina, K., Takeda, T., Andrijauskaite, K., Cisneros, E., Lopez, R., Cano, I., Maxwell, Z., Veraza, R., Bunegin, L., Percival, T. J., Yracheta, J., Pena, J. J., Wood, D. M., Homas, Z. T., Hinshaw, C. J., Cox-Hinshaw, J., Parry, O. G., Sleeter, J. J., Weitzel, E., Levin, M., Super, M., Novak, R., and Ingber, D. E. |
37 |
bioRxiv |
10.1101/2023.01.08.523164 |
Information integration during bioelectric regulation of morphogenesis in the embryonic frog brain |
2023 |
Manicka, S., Pai, V. P, and Levin, M. |
3 |
bioRxiv |
10.31219/osf.io/7hxnp |
Morphoceuticals: perspectives for discovery of drugs targeting anatomical control mechanisms in regenerative medicine, cancer, and aging |
2022 |
Pio-Lopez, L., and Levin, M. |
2 |
OSF Preprints |
10.48550/arXiv.2212.10675 |
There’s Plenty of Room Right Here: Biological Systems as Evolved, Overloaded, Multi-scale Machines |
2022 |
Bongard, J., and Levin, M. |
2 |
arxiv |
10.48550/arXiv.2211.08522 |
The scaling of goals via homeostasis: an evolutionary simulation, experiment and analysis |
2022 |
Pio-Lopez, L., Bischof, J., LaPalme, J. V., and Levin, M. |
4 |
arxiv |
10.31219/osf.io/c6n9r |
Cellular Signaling Pathways as Plastic, Proto-cognitive Systems: Implications for Biomedicine |
2022 |
Mathews, J., Chang, J., Devlin, L., and Levin, M. |
4 |
OSF Preprints |
10.48550/arXiv.2211.01313 |
Closing the Loop on Morphogenesis: A Mathematical Model of Morphogenesis by Closed-Loop Reaction-Diffusion |
2022 |
Grodstein, J., and Levin, M. |
2 |
arxiv |
10.1101/2022.10.23.513361 |
Exploring The Behavior of Bioelectric Circuits using Evolution Heuristic Search |
2022 |
Hazan, H., and Levin, M. |
2 |
bioRxiv |
10.31234/osf.io/rdt7f |
Regulative development as a model for origin of life and artificial life studies |
2022 |
Fields, C., and Levin, M. |
2 |
PsyArXiv |
10.31234/osf.io/fgcy5 |
The Brain is not Mental! Coupling Neuronal and Immune Cellular Processing in Human Organisms |
2022 |
Ciaunica, A., and Levin, M. |
2 |
PsyArXiv |
10.1101/2022.08.04.502707 |
Motile Living Biobots Self-Construct from Adult Human Somatic Progenitor Seed Cells |
2022 |
Gumuskaya, G., Srivastava, P., Cooper, B. G., Lesser, H., Semegran, B., Garnier, S., and Levin, M. |
7 |
bioRxiv |
10.48550/arXiv.2207.14729 |
Competency of the Developmental Layer Alters Evolutionary Dynamics in an Artificial Embryogeny Model of Morphogenesis |
2022 |
Shreesha, L., and Levin, M. |
2 |
arxiv |
10.1101/2021.12.22.473903 |
The nonlinearity of regulation in biological networks |
2022 |
Manicka, S., Johnson, K., Levin, M., and Murrugarra, D. |
4 |
bioRxiv |
10.20944/preprints202207.0376.v1 |
Information Theory as an experimental tool for integrating disparate biophysical signaling modules |
2022 |
McMillen, P., and Levin, M. |
2 |
Preprints.org |
10.31234/osf.io/4gp6c |
Active Inference, Morphogenesis, and Computational Psychiatry |
2022 |
Pio-Lopez, L., Kuchling, F., Tung, A., Pezzulo, G., and Levin, M. |
5 |
PsyArXiv |
10.20944/preprints202207.0083.v1 |
Screening biophysical sensors and actuators that influence wound healing in human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neurons |
2022 |
Pai, V. P., Cooper, B., and Levin, M. |
3 |
Preprints.org |
10.48550/arXiv.2207.00880 |
Biological Robots: Perspectives on an Emerging Interdisciplinary Field |
2022 |
Blackiston, D., Kriegman, S., Bongard, J., and Levin, M. |
4 |
arxiv |
10.31219/osf.io/xrv8h |
Synthetic Morphology via Active and Agential Matter |
2022 |
Davies, J., and Levin, M. |
2 |
OSF Preprints |
10.31234/osf.io/hqc9b |
Collective Intelligence of Morphogenesis as a Teleonomic Process |
2022 |
Levin, M. |
1 |
PsyArXiv |
10.31234/osf.io/87nzu |
Competency in Navigating Arbitrary Spaces: Intelligence as an Invariant for Analyzing Cognition in Diverse Embodiments |
2022 |
Fields, C., and Levin, M. |
2 |
PsyArxiv |
10.1101/2022.03.20.485056doi |
Target-agnostic discovery of Rett Syndrome therapeutics by coupling computational network analysis and CRISPR-enabled in vivo disease modeling |
2022 |
Novak, R., Lin, T., Kaushal, S., Sperry, M., Vigneault, F., Gardner, E., Loomba, S., Shcherbina, K., Keshari, V. , Dinis, A., Vasan, A., Chandrasekhar, V., Takeda, T., Turner, J. R., Levin, M., and Ingber, D. E. |
16 |
bioRxiv |
10.48550/arXiv.2202.07132 |
Memory via Temporal Delays in weightless Spiking Neural Network |
2022 |
Hazan, H., Caby, S., Earl, C., Siegelmann, H., and Levin, M. |
5 |
arxiv |
10.48550/arXiv.2201.00921 |
Neurons as hierarchies of quantum reference frames |
2022 |
Fields, C., Glazebrook, J. F., and Levin, M. |
3 |
arXiv |
MISSING-MindRxiv |
Biology, Buddhism, and AI: Care as the Driver of Intelligence |
2022 |
Doctor, T., Witkowski, O., Solomonova, E., Duane, B., and Levin, M. |
5 |
MindRxiv |
10.31234/osf.io/t6e8p |
Technological Approach to Mind Everywhere (TAME): an experimentally-grounded framework for understanding diverse bodies and minds |
2021 |
Levin, M. |
1 |
PsyArXiv |
10.1101/2021.09.30.462576 |
Enhancers of host immune tolerance to bacterial infection discovered using linked computational and experimental approaches |
2021 |
Sperry, M., Novak, R., Keshari, V., Dinis, A. L. M., Cartwright, M. J., Camacho, D. M., Pare, J-F, Super, M., Levin, M., and Ingber, D. E. |
10 |
bioRxiv |
10.1101/2021.10.17.464734 |
Physarum polycephalum: Establishing an Assay for Testing Decision-making Under Shifting Somatic Boundaries |
2021 |
Levin, S. P., and Levin, M. |
2 |
bioRxiv |
10.1101/2021.04.06.438714 |
Potassium channel-driven bioelectric signaling regulates metastasis in triple-negative breast cancer |
2021 |
Payne, S. K., Ram, P., Srinivasan, D. H., Le, T. T., Levin, M., and Oudin, M. J. |
6 |
bioRxiv |
10.48550/arXiv.2103.17061 |
Metabolic limits on classical information processing by biological cells |
2021 |
Fields, C., and Levin, M. |
2 |
arxiv |
10.48550/arXiv.2103.04876 |
Scale invariant robot behavior with fractals |
2021 |
Kriegman, S., Nasab, A. M., Blackiston, D., Steele, H., Levin, M., Kramer-Bottiglio, R., and Bongard, R. |
7 |
arXiv |
10.1101/2021.01.15.426822 |
Formation and Spontaneous Long-Term Repatterning of Headless Planarian Flatworms |
2021 |
Bischof, J., LaPalme, J., Miller, K., Morokuma, J., Williams, K., Fields, C., and Levin, M. |
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bioRxiv |
10.1101/336461 |
Turing-like patterns can arise from purely bioelectric mechanisms |
2020 |
Brodsky, M. |
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bioRxiv |
10.1101/2020.02.05.936294 |
Epigenetic immune-modulation by Histone Deacetylase Activity (HDAC) of tissue and organ regeneration in Xenopus laevis |
2020 |
Pentagna, N., Soares dos Santos, F., Martins de Almeida, F., Abreu, J. G., Levin, M., and Carneiro, K. |
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bioRxiv |
BindsNET - A Framework for Spiking Neuronal Simulation |
2020 |
Hazan, H., Levin, M. |
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10.1101/2020.05.03.074419 |
Evolution leads to emergence: An analysis of protein interactomes across the tree of life |
2020 |
Hoel, E., Klein, B., Swain, A., Grebenow, R., Levin, M. |
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bioRxiv |
10.1101/2020.03.20.985523 |
Mechanosensation Mediates Long-Range Spatial Decision-Making in an Aneural Organism |
2020 |
Murugan, N., Kaltman, D., Jin, H., Chien, M., Flores, R., Nguyen, C., Tuzoff, D., Minabutdinov, A., Kane, A., Novak, R., Ingber, D. |
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bioRxiv |
10.48550/arXiv.1911.10290 |
Scalable sim-to-real transfer of soft robot designs |
2020 |
Kriegman, S., Nasab, A. M., Shah, D., Steele, H., Branin, G., Levin, M., Bongard, J., and Kramer-Bottiglio, R. |
8 |
arXiv |
10.1101/2020.01.22.916072 |
S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase regulates anterior patterning in |
2020 |
Reinmets, K., Bischof, J., Taketa, E., Levin, M., and Fuchs, S. M. |
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bioRxiv |
10.15607/RSS.2019.XV.028 |
Automated shapeshifting for function recovery in damaged robots |
2019 |
Kriegman, S., Walker, S., Shah, D., Levin, M., Kramer-Bottiglio, R., and Bongard, J. |
6 |
arxiv |
10.1038/s41598-019-54859-8 |
Modeling somatic computation with non-neural bioelectric networks |
2019 |
Manicka, S., and Levin, M. |
2 |
arxiv |
MISSING-2019110348 |
Bistability of Somatic Pattern Memories: Stochastic Outcomes in Bioelectric Circuits Underlying Regeneration |
2019 |
Pezzulo, G., LaPalme, J., Durant, F., and Levin, M. |
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Preprints.org |
10.1101/842948 |
von Willebrand Factor D and EGF Domains is an evolutionarily conserved and required feature of blastemas capable of multi-tissue appendage regeneration |
2019 |
Leigh, N. D., Sessa, S., Dragalzew, A. C., Payzin-Dogru, D., Sousa, J. F., Aggouras, A., Johnson, K., Dunlap, G. S., Haas, B. J., Levin, M., Schneider, I., and Whited, J. L. |
12 |
bioRxiv |
10.1101/820613 |
A comprehensive conceptual and computational dynamics framework for Autonomous Regeneration Systems |
2019 |
Minh-Thai, T.N., Samarasinghe, S., and Levin, M. |
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bioRxiv |
10.1101/815688 |
Nervous System and Tissue Polarity Dynamically Adapt to New Morphologies in Planaria |
2019 |
Bischof, J., Day, M.E., Miller, K.A., LaPalme, J., and Levin, M. |
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bioRxiv |
10.1101/785444 |
Defined extracellular ionic solutions to study and manipulate the cellular resting membrane potential |
2019 |
Bonzanni, M., Payne, S. L., Adelfio, M., Kaplan, D. L., Levin, M., and Oudin, M. J. |
6 |
bioRxiv |
10.1101/052191 |
Cellular Migration May Exhibit Intrinsic Left-Right Asymmetries: A meta-analysis |
2018 |
Sullivan, K. G., Vandenberg, L. N., and Levin, M. |
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bioRxiv |
10.1101/186650 |
Effects of Ivermectin exposure on regeneration of D. dorotocephala planaria |
2017 |
Ferenc, N. N., and Levin, M. |
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bioRxiv |
10.1101/052191 |
From cytoskeletal dynamics to organ asymmetry: a non-linear, regulative pathway underlies left-right patterning |
2016 |
McDowell, G. S., Rajadurai, S., and Levin, M. |
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bioRxiv |