the Computable Universe

Computers consist of programs that update the state of objects in increments of time. If the universe is to be computable, it would have to be a set of objects that remain static for at least the duration of each program’s step size, assuming interdependent states that need simultaneous updates.

If an object’s state isn’t computed at the finest time scale, its behavior would appear chaotic or probabilistic.

the Observable Universe

The vantage point of an observation is as critical as the phenomena being observed. If information is a fundamental invariant structure of the universe, at what level of its encoding does observer locality matter?

the Static Universe

A static universe can not expand. There would be more space-time between the objects and would require more energy to travel between them. While the total energy of the universe remains the same, the energy density decreases. The universe appears to be expanding therefore it's unlikely to be static.

the Photon

particle mass (MeV/c²)
Electron 0.511
Proton 938.272
Neutron 939.565
Muon 105.658
Tau 1776.86
photon 0