Will this be my header?


What's the print title?

title text date wordCount minutes

If I write many, many copious varied words in a myriad of ways up here will it be in one column or many, given that I'm specifying columns below????? Hmmmmmm?? Tell me that!!!!

Here is the website. Does it update automatically?

Where would more text go now that I have 4 columns?

Word, word, word, word, word . . .

Will this be my footer?

console.log('hello, world')

console.log('hello, world')

I am writing more things

This is some stuff

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
parserId uses
buildHtmlParser 1
buildTxtParser 1
pageTitleParser 1
blankLineParser 16
metaTagsParser 1
tufteCssParser 1
pageHeaderParser 1
catchAllParagraphParser 9
printTitleParser 1
printSearchTableParser 1
thinColumnsParser 1
tableSearchParser 1
pageFooterParser 1
belowAsCodeParser 1
blinkParser 1
loremIpsumParser 1
printUsageStatsParser 1
printLeetSheetParser 1
- A list item.
--- A horizontal rule.
! A counterpoint. Prints nothing.
? A question.
[] A task todo.
[x] A completed task.
* A paragraph.
*** A dinkus. Breaks section.
**** End of post dinkus.
// A comment. Prints nothing.
# An html h1 tag.
## An html h2 tag.
### An html h3 tag.
#### An html h4 tag.
##### An html h5 tag.
> A quote.
aboveAsCode Print code above.
authors Set author(s) name(s).
baseUrl Required for RSS and OpenGraph.
belowAsCode Print code below.
belowAsCodeUntil Print code above until match.
blankLineParser Print nothing. Break section.
blink Just for fun.
buildConcepts Write concepts to csv+ files.
buildCss Compile to CSS file.
buildHtml Compile to HTML file.
buildJs Compile to JS file.
buildMeasures Write measures to csv+ files.
buildRss Write RSS file.
buildTxt Compile to TXT file.
canonicalUrl Override canonical URL.
caption An image caption.
catchAllParagraph A paragraph.
center A centered paragraph.
chat A faux text chat conversation.
code A code block.
commaTable A table from CSV data.
comment Prints nothing.
copyButtons Copy code widget.
css A style tag.
dashboard Key stats in large font.
date Set published date.
description Override Open Graph Description.
downloadUrl Set link to Download Page.
email Set email address for site contact.
endColumns End columns.
endSnippet Cut for snippet here.
expander An collapsible HTML details tag.
gazetteCss Default Scroll theme CSS.
groups Set groups.
helpfulNotFound Helpful not found widget.
homeUrl Override home link.
html HTML one liners or blocks.
htmlInlineParser Inline HTML.
htmlLang Override HTML lang attribute.
image An img tag.
import Import a file.
importOnly Don't build this file.
katex KaTex widget for typeset math.
keyboardNav Make left and right navigate files.
loadConcepts Import all concepts in a folder.
loop Iterate over files+ to make HTML.
loremIpsum Generate dummy text.
map Map widget.
mediumColumns Medium width columns.
metaTags Print meta tags including title.
openGraphImage Override Open Graph Image.
pageFooter HTML footer.
pageHeader HTML footer.
permalink Override output filename.
pipeTable A table from |SV data.
plainText Plain text oneliner or block.
plainTextOnly Only print for buildTxt.
printAuthors Prints author(s) byline.
printConcepts Print concepts to HTML table.
printCsv Print group metadata to CSV.
printDate Print published date.
printFeed Print group to RSS.
printFullSnippets Print full pages in group(s).
printLeetSheet Print Scroll parser leet sheet.
printMeasures Print measure stats to HTML table.
printRelatedList Print links to related posts.
printSearchTable Prints files to HTML table.
printSiteMap Print text sitemap.
printSnippets Prints snippets in group(s).
printSource Print source for files in group(s).
printTable Print table from tabular data.
printTitle Print title.
printUsageStats Print parser usage stats in folder.
printViewSource Print "View source" link.
printViewSourceBadge Print badge top right.
quote A quote.
readingList Link list with titles and authors.
redirectTo HTML redirect tag.
related Set related files.
replace Replace this with that.
replaceJs Replace this with evaled JS.
replaceNodejs Replace this with evaled Node.JS.
rssFeedUrl Set RSS feed URL.
scatterplot Scatterplot Widget.
script Print script tag.
slideshow Slideshow widget. *** delimits slides.
spaceTable A table. Last column is catchall.
sparkline Sparkline widget.
stamp Expand project template to disk.
stump Compile Stump to HTML.
stumpNoSnippet Compile Stump unless snippet.
table A table from a custom delimiter.
tableSearch Table search and sort widget.
tabTable A table from TSV data.
thanksTo Acknowledge reviewers. Prints nothing.
thinColumns Thin columns.
title Set title.
treeTable Table from Scroll Notation data.
tufteCss Theme from Tufte CSS.
viewSourceBaseUrl Override source link baseUrl.
viewSourceUrl Override source link.
wideColumns Wide columns.
youTube A YouTube video widget.