Token Overloading ScrollSet

id token meaning example notes
equalityOperator = Equality operator if a = b
isOperator = 'is' fun addone(x) = x + 1
compileTimeInit = Compile-time init static int a = 100 Runtime assignment uses ':='
defaultParamValues = Default param values (a, b, c = 0)
addition + Addition a + b Also set union, string concat, but this doesn't affect parsing
unaryPlus + Unary plus + Same with most other arithmetic ops
subtraction - Subtraction a - b
negation - Negation -a
multiplication * Multiply a * b
reflectFunction * Reflect function func F* F will be added to function tables for app lookup
partOfFloatConst . Part of float const 12.34 OK, not really a token by itself
nameResolution . Name resolution module.func()
memberSelection . Member selection p.x
extractInfo . Extract info x.len
defineLabel : Define label lab:
namedArgs : Named args messagebox(message:"hello")
printItemFormat : Print item format print x:"H"
keywordValue : Keyword:value ["age":23]
compactThenElse | Compact then/else (cond | a | b) First is 'then', second is 'else'
nWaySelect | N-way select (n | a, b, c, ... | z)
lastArrayItem $ Last array item A[$] Otherwise written A[A.len] or A[A.upb]
addSpaceInPrint $ Add space in print print $,x,y Otherwise is a messier print " ",,x or print "",x"
stringifyLastEnum $ Stringify last enum (red, $, ...) $ turns into "red"
addressOf & Address-of &a
append & Append a & b
byReferenceParam & By-reference param (a, b, &c)
variableEquivalence @ Variable equivalence int a @ b Share same memory
readPrintChannel @ Read/print channel print @, "hello"
minimum min Minimum min(a, b) or a min b also 'max'
minimumTypeValue min Minimum type value T.min or X.min Only for integer types
forLoopSyntax in For-loop syntax for x in A do
testInclusion in Test inclusion if a in b
indexingSlicing [] Indexing/slicing A[i] or A[i..j]
bitIndexSlice [] Bit index/slice A.[i] or A.[i..j]
setConstructor [] Set constructor ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z'] These 2 in dynamic lang...
dictConstructor [] Dict constructor ["one":10, "two":20]
declareArrayType [] Declare array type [N]int A in static lang
dictLookup {} Dict lookup D{k} or D{K, default} D[i] does something different
anonymousFunctions {} Anonymous functions addone := {x: x+1}
exprTermGrouping () Expr term grouping (a + b) * c
unitGrouping () Unit grouping (s1; s2; s3) Turns multiple units into one, when only one allowed
functionArgs () Function args f(x, y, z) Also args for special ops, eg. swap(a, b)
typeConversion () Type conversion T(x)
typeConstructor () Type constructor Point(x, y, z) Unless type can be inferred
listConstructor () List constructor (a, b, c)
compactIfThenElse () Compact if-then-else (a | b | c)
misc () Misc ... Define bitfields; compact record definitions; ...